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Medical equipment calibration is a critical process that ensures the accuracy and reliability of medical devices used in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. Calibration involves comparing the measurements of a device to a known standard to determine and correct any deviations or inaccuracies.


Medical equipment calibration is a critical process that ensures the accuracy and reliability of medical devices used in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. Calibration involves comparing the measurements of a device to a known standard to determine and correct any deviations or inaccuracies.

The deviation in output is not necessarily the fault of the device itself, nor can it represent the manufacturer’s incompetence. Most commonly, it results from continuous device usage, which over time affects its internal components, resulting in a deviation from the device standard measurement output.

Calibration should be performed by qualified biomedical service engineers or technicians who have expertise in medical equipment calibration and are familiar with the specific requirements of each device. They may be in-house staff or contracted service providers.


Here are some key aspects of Calibration of Medical Equipment in healthcare facility:

  • Purpose of Calibration (Ensuring Patient Safety, Compliance with Regulations, Quality Assurance)
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Calibration Process
    1. Selection of Calibration Standards
    2. Calibration Procedures
    3. Calibration Measurements
    4. Calibration Certificates
  • Calibration Intervals
  • Accredited Calibration Intervals
  • Maintenance and Preventive Measures
  • Record Keeping

By regularly calibrating medical equipment, hospitals can enhance the quality of healthcare services and improve patient outcomes Calibration of medical equipment.
